The power of Polish post-production

The Polish Cinema delights again and arouses discussions among foreigners film-makers. “Polish Film Magazine” has here some merit and thanks to it the news about our masterpieces reach every corner of the world. This time the magazine pays attention and appreciates the power of Polish post-production.

Platige Image is one of the heroes of the article. The magazine promoting the Polish cinema in the world mentions our “paintry, stylish animation” for the blockbuster “Wonder Woman” describing it as the breakthrough and believes that this creation will bring even more attention of next, major clients. The next one, because as “Polish Film Magazine” notices, Platige has gained the recognition from companies and institutions as various as NBCUniversal and European Space Agency.

In the article about post-production made in Poland there are some explanations about its phenomenon and growing popularity. The author notices that Platige Image is “world-class producer in cinematics’’ with numerous, highly artistic creations on its account. Rich resume gives the company opportunity to take part in the production from the very beginning. The other reasons of the global success are undoubtedly experience in building the narrative and producing stunning visual effects combining artistic vision and technical craftsmanship. Matt Tokarz, the head of VFX, explains it in own words.

There are dozens of companies which can create explosions and space battle effects for blockbusters, but when it comes to a more artistic, painterly approach, like the one we perfected through our work with cinematics, we offer a unique kind of service’.

“Polish Film Magazine” also notices that Polish companies, which are the masters of post-production today, can be appreciated for one more merit. On the global market they appeared as latecomers, when their competitors were yet well-experienced, and they had to deal with plenty of internal and external obstacles. They had it harder, but somehow they managed to show off and take the lead.

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